A clear mind – 1st precondition for top leadership


Milton Friedmans thesis

„The social responsibility of business is to increase it´s profits“


The Burnout-Syndrom cause costs of about 25.000 million Euro in Germany only

(Cp: „Burn-out – wenn die Maske zerbricht“ from Dr. Manfred Nelting S. 44)

The number of Burnout related sickness in 2012 was more then 20 times higher compared to 2004

(Cp.: Statista GmbH 2013: „Krankheitstage durch das Burn-out-Syndrom in Deutschland nach Geschlecht in den Jahren 2004 bis 2012 - AU-Tage je 1.000 Versicherter)


Message of ZEN-Sur

The principal of the 20th century will not address the needs for the 21st century 

Todays daily business is getting more complex, we are busier then ever, working more and more hours and decisions needs to made within seconds. We need to be agile. 

The experience of ZEN-Sur on international level (US, Europe and Asia) showed us that in exact this situations it´s very important that the management team have a clear mind to make the right decision, keep on track and calmed. 

Our objective for the zen@management workshops, seminars and key notes is to teach the leadership team with easy and effective tools. 

Our developed tools are based on eastern kinds of meditation like Zazen, Qi-Gong and Tonglen combined with modern coaching aspects and ensure to establish this clear mind on everyone of your leadership team.

It will also integrate new values based on dignity, respect, trust and appreciation within the employees and find new motivation and connection to the colleagues, teams and the company. 

The majority of ZEN-Sur is that the developed tools can be used anytime and anywhere.

As a result of our zen@management workshops and seminars your employees deliver better productivity, have a higher motivation, better health and deliver better results for the company.

This is the successful way of work within the 21st century.

Contact us!

Picture: zen-stones@fotolia.com/psdesign1